Getting Heard

The Shebooks anthology, Whatever Doesn’t Kill You, won a silver medal in the Independent Book Publisher (IPPY) Awards. My memoir single, Out of Dublin, is included in the anthology. Huge congrats to editor, Laura Fraser, and to my fellow five contributors, Faith Adiele, Barbara Graham, Susan Ito, Beth Kephart, and Mary Jo McConahay.

The audio version of Out of Dublin also just released. You can listen to a two minute audio sample here. I admit it felt stirring, and gave me goosebumps, to hear the work read, and read so well. Huge thanks to narrator, Billie Fulford-Brown.

After decades of secrets and silence, it is surreal to listen to me, trying to get heard. It is a little shattering, too. I intend fierce, beautiful things to fill-in the cracks and breaks.

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